Why must we give ourselves to missions? Particularly, why must we focus on the unengaged unreached people groups of the world?
To believe in Jesus is to believe in missions. Someone has said, "God had only one Son and He was a missionary." (I believe I have seen the quote attributed to David Livingstone. If I am wrong in the quotation or the attribution, please correct me in the comments.) The idea is that Jesus was sent by the Father from heaven to earth to live among us and reveal His will by teaching His word and doing His work. Since "sent" is the meaning of the Latin term from which we get our words "mission" and "missionary," Jesus is the original missionary. His incarnation is the model for our ministry. As He came to us, so we must go to others (John 20:21). If missions does not matter much to us, then Jesus does not matter much to us.
But even in missions there is a work that is essential for obedience to the will of our Lord. If we are not careful, we will miss the crux of what Jesus commanded us. It is not a matter of how many souls can be saved out of different cultures; it is a matter of all peoples being represented around His throne at His coming (Revelation 7:9). The Great Commission (as shown in some of my earliest posts) directs us to make disciples out of all the people groups of the world. The focus is on people groups, not individuals. Our task is not to save every person in the world, a goal that we know will not be achieved since only "a few" find the narrow road and enter by the small gate (Matthew 7:13-14). Our task is to get the gospel to all the peoples (tribes, languages, ethnic groups) of the world. This task is the one Jesus has assured us we can and will complete.
Getting the gospel to other people groups is why God allowed persecution to scatter the first disciples to Samaria and Antioch (Acts 8:4; 11:19-20). Getting the gospel to other people groups is why the Holy Spirit sent Barnabas and Saul on the first mission trip (Acts 13:1-3). Getting the gospel to other people groups is why Paul was compelled to preach the gospel where "Christ was not known" (Romans 15:20). It was not just a matter of geography but more a matter of ethnology. Years ago, the book Peace Child demonstrated how God has placed a gospel "key" in every culture, some practice or belief that provides an opening for understanding His salvation. This provision is our clue to solving the mystery of His will. He wants the gospel to penetrate all cultures, all people groups.
Yesterday, I mentioned that some have used the argument that no one should get to hear the gospel twice until all have heard it once. Today, I ask you if it is right for a people group to receive a second missionary while there remains a group who has none.
Let's pray that we can see our task the way God sees it. Let's pray that we will do our task as God wants it done. Let's pray that we will have His heart for all peoples to hear about Jesus.
The Purpose of This Blog
In response to the challenge by the Southern Baptist Convention that churches take on the task to share the gospel with unengaged unreached people groups, the missions team of Harmony Pittsburg Baptist Association felt the need for a way to focus prayer on the task. This blog is intended to facilitate prayer for those contemplating their role in fulfilling the Great Commission. This on-line prayer guide may prove useful to those exploring a call to missions involvement as well as to those who have sensed a call to pray for those who will go to the front lines.
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